Robot Hygiene
If AI wouldn’t create AI, should we?
If AI wouldn’t create AI, should we?
The Mess in Matthew 1
The appropriately inappropriate depiction of Teresa in ecstasy provokes some questions.
“I hope when you die you go to heaven, but Purgatory first!!”
This post is really obnoxious.
On St. John Damascene, praxis, development of doctrine, and beauty.
Too much homework signals an improperly curated curriculum or disrespect for family life.
Assessing assessment strategies in schools.
Why are memes about generational differences so easy to make?
Advent Pre-Game
“Practicing without a License: St. Jerome”
“Make their camp desolate with none to dwell in their tents.” Psalm 69:26
English fails us when it proposes the words faith, hope, and love to name the superpowers God bestows on His children in Baptism.
Strategies for feasting.
Strong Medicine: Tying together Augustine’s sacramental theology and his pioneering explanations of original sin.
Catholics hold seemingly untenable views on human sexuality, but these beliefs map to a fundamental belief that God is our deepest desire.
The story of the prophet Jonah is poignantly beautiful. It is also hilarious!